Sunday, September 10

a tale of two Bono's

Today the Sarti family headed on down to the Endless Summer Fest, hosted by Saddleback San Clemente... I was excited to go to see the Rider4Christ dudes jumping on their motorbikes, but I didn't know the real treat would be the antics of the U2 tribute band that was playing in the festival area.

Let me share a few band highlights:
-the lead singer styles his hair like Bono
-the guitar player wore a beanie the whole time (ala The Edge)
-the bass player wore Adam Claytonesque clothes (camo pants and a long-sleeve shirt)
-the lead singer had a great fake Irish accent
-MLK Jr was quoted during the bridge on one song
-Fake Bono blindfolded himself and sung during "Bullet The Blue Sky"

But what really took it to the next level, was that the band had invited another U2 tribute band to the show, so a second Bono and second Edge came up on the stage for a few songs. It was brilliant. This new Bono was more circa mid-90s with the cowboy hat, whereas regular lead Bono was more concertesque Bono in black leather.

If there were really this many Bono's in the world I am sure Africa would be in a better place.


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